
New paper on snake reintroduction

No place like home: an experimental comparison of reintroduction strategies using snakes
John H. Roe, Michael R. Frank, Scott E. Gibson, Omar Attum and Bruce A. Kingsbury
Article first published online: 4 OCT 2010 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01886.x


Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project Translocation

Moving I`iwi (Vestiaria coccinea) as a Surrogate for Future Translocations of Endangered `Akohekohe (Palmeria dolei)


C. Dustin Becker, Greg Massey, James Groombridge, and Ruby L. Hammond


Translocations often play an important role in the recovery of endangered species. To assess feasibility for translocation of endangered `Akohekohe (Palmeria dolei), we conducted an experimental translocation of I`iwi (Vestiaria coccinea) from east to west Maui. Mist-netting, veterinary screening of candidate birds, and helicopter transport of healthy I`iwi were successful, resulting in no injuries or mortalities. Translocated birds were assigned to two types of release. Hard release birds were radio tagged and released on the day of translocation. In contrast, soft release birds were held in large cages for 7 days and fed artificial nectar. During holding soft release I`iwi feeding rates, fecal production, and mass were monitored. Soft release birds suffered 33% mortality during the holding period. At the end of the holding period, soft release survivors were outfitted with a radio transmitter and released. All translocated I`iwi were followed by radio telemetry for an average of 21 days. Once released, soft release birds showed higher rates of movement, possibly reflecting conflict with established hard released I`iwi. Our results suggest that translocation efforts for wild `Akohekohe will be successful if hard release protocols are followed.

The entire report can be downloaded from the University of Hawaii Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit website.


Contributions for RSG newsletter being solicited.

Please see message below from Micky Soorae.  This is a new global RSG newsletter, and not to be confused with the RSG Oceania newsletter I put together for the last 10 years (but now discontinued unless somebody else decides to do it).


I am preparing a short PDF RSG newsletter for distribution to the membership. If you have any information you would like included please send me a short paragraph (approx. 500 - 900 words) on your work relating to re-introductions. An RSG book on re-introduction case-studies is being prepared which will be ready in late 2010. You can also include a picture or two. If you need further please contact me.
I will be using a new e-mail for RSG related issues. Please send all correspondence to this address.


IUCN Action Tools

The IUCN has just released its new Tools for Organizations ‐ The "How to Guide" for conservation action. Click here to read.


How to contribute to the RSG

Contact Doug Armstrong if you have information for this site, want to be listed as a reintroduction contact, and/or want to join the Oceania Section of the RSG.

Contact Pritpal Soorae if you want to join another section or obtain further information about the RSG.

Contact SSC headquarters if you want to join the SSC members listserv.