Publications on Reintroduction in Oceania
In this section is listed publications related to reintroduction or other conservation translocations in the Oceania region. It includes general articles discussing Oceania examples, as well as case studies on particular translocations. It includes any research targetted at improving translocation strategies, but not necessarily any research that uses a translocated population. It does not include cases involving rehabilitation or relocation of common species. Publications that report translocations, but not in enough detail to be useful to another practitioner have been excluded, as have ppublications on planned translocations unless they addressed issues of widespread interest. Also excluded are some publications that seemed to be superceded by more recent publications. Unpublished reports or in-house publications and note currently reported here, but these could be included if information is given on how to obtain them. If you know of other publications or reports that should be included on the list, please contact Doug Armstrong.
Theses, Reintroduction News, and Articles in Journals or Books
Mainland Island Restoration Operation (2014). Report on the MIRO North Island Robin Translocation 2012. New Zealand. [pdf]
C. Farmer; R. Kohley; H.Freifeld; S. Plentovich (2011). Nihoa Millerbird (Acrocephalus familiaris kingi) Translocation Protocols. [pdf]
G.H. Sherley; I.A.N. Stringer; G.R. Parrish (2010). Summary of native bat, reptile, amphibian and terrestrial invertebrate translocations in New Zealand. Science for Conservation no. 303, New Zealand Department of Conservation, Wellington. [pdf] [Suplementary Data].
Click HERE to download an Endnote Bibliography of reintroduction research in Oceania.
ANPC Translocation Working Group (1997). Guidelines for the Translocation of Threatened Plants in Australia. Australian Network for Plant Conservation, Canberra.